Our experience is based on the implementation of integrated technology projects and ICT applications.
TREEADS: A Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters
KYKLOS 4.0: An Advanced Circular and Agile Manufacturing Ecosystem Based on Rapid Reconfigurable Manufacturing Process and Individualized Consumer Preferences
PALAEMON: A Holistic Passenger Ship Evacuation and Rescue Ecosystem
FIELDS: Addressing the Current and Future Skill Needs for Sustainability, Digitalization, and the Bio-Economy in Agriculture: European Skills Agenda and Strategy
FARMBENV: An Agricultural Circularity Tool for Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment in Real-Time exploiting sensors and IoT
eMT cluster: An Innovative Cluster for Technologies to facilitate the Digital Transformation of businesses across 4 sectors, in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
AGRI.AWARE: Designing and Developing of an Innovative Agricultural Fleet Management System to be Operated Through a Mobile Application
AGROTRACE: Integrated System for Traceability and Agrologistics of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
BIOCIRCULAR: Bioproduction System for Circular Precision Farming
V-AGRIFLEET: Voice-driven Fleet Management System for Agricultural Operations